High School Volunteers

High School Anglers, the Elite Fishing Expo offers a unique opportunity for you to earn your Community Service volunteer hours, while meeting with leaders in the fishing industry.

Many local high schools require 20 hours of Community Service before graduation, and Tennessee Promise has a minimum of 8 hours of volunteer work.

The Elite Fishing Expo needs High School Anglers aged 14-18 to help with set-up on the following days:

Wednesday, June 4th: 8am - 7pm
Thursday, June 5th: 8am - 8pm
Friday, June 6th: 7am - 11am

All high school volunteers will receive a free one day pass to the show, and we will sign your Community Service Sheet.


  • MUST be on a high school fishing team.

  • Closed Toed Shoes.

  • A Good Attitude & Willingness to Help and LISTEN.

If your parents or coaches have any questions, please contact Bekah Bell (423-779-7609) or Chelsea Cordell (423-322-6924).

Email: elitefishingexpo@gmail.com